Auction Information


Matchworn - Item has been worn by specific player during the designated game and is unwashed.

Player Issue - Item has been issued to the specific player for the designated game. Please note this item has not been worn during the game.

Match Used - This item has been used by more than one player for the designated game e.g. Match used football.

Player Worn/Used - This item has been used by the specific player but has been washed

Player Signed - This item has not been worn/used but has been signed by the specific player

Product Information

Please read the product information before bidding on an item.

Certificate of Authenticity

All Auction items will be accompanied with a certificate of authenticity and a hologram sticker.

The hologram sticker has its own unique number. Each sticker will be applied to the certificate of authenticity along with a duplicate being applied to the auction item.